Italia e Estero

Zelensky su maxi-rimpasto, abbiamo bisogno di nuova energia

epa11567041 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks to the media during the 'Ukraine 2024. Independence' forum in Kyiv, Ukraine, 27 August 2024. The forum was held with the participation of heads of state institutions followed by a press conference by the Ukrainian president. The theme of the discussion is the war and Ukraine's steps towards a just peace. EPA/MAXYM MARUSENKO 61195
epa11567041 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks to the media during the 'Ukraine 2024. Independence' forum in Kyiv, Ukraine, 27 August 2024. The forum was held with the participation of heads of state institutions followed by a press conference by the Ukrainian president. The theme of the discussion is the war and Ukraine's steps towards a just peace. EPA/MAXYM MARUSENKO 61195

(ANSA-AFP) - KIEV, 04 SET - "Abbiamo bisogno di una nuova energia": così il presidente ucraino Voldymyr Zelensky motiva il maxi rimpasto di governo che ha portato alle dimissioni di molti ministri. (ANSA-AFP).

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia

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