Italia e Estero

Zelensky ringrazia Trump e gli Usa, serve pace giusta e duratura

epa11930924 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (C) departs the West Wing of the White House after a contentious meeting with US President Donald Trump in the Oval Office in Washington, DC, USA, 28 February 2025. Zelensky was in Washington with the hopes of signing a framework of a ceasefire deal being pushed by President Trump, that would share Ukraine's mineral wealth with the US, but a planned joint press conference with Trump and Zelensky was canceled after the Oval Office meeting. EPA/JIM LO SCALZO / POOL
epa11930924 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (C) departs the West Wing of the White House after a contentious meeting with US President Donald Trump in the Oval Office in Washington, DC, USA, 28 February 2025. Zelensky was in Washington with the hopes of signing a framework of a ceasefire deal being pushed by President Trump, that would share Ukraine's mineral wealth with the US, but a planned joint press conference with Trump and Zelensky was canceled after the Oval Office meeting. EPA/JIM LO SCALZO / POOL

NEW YORK, 28 FEB - "Grazie America per il sostegno, grazie per questa visita. Grazie al presidente, al Congresso e agli americani". Lo afferma Volodymyr Zelensky su X dopo l'incontro burrascoso con Donald Trump alla Casa Bianca. "L'Ucraina ha bisogno di una pace giusta e duratura, e stiamo lavorando esattamente per questo", ha aggiunto.

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