Italia e Estero

Zelensky, 'farò di tutto per finire la guerra quest'anno'

epa11814519 US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III (R) speaks next to Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky (L) during the eight meeting of Ukraine Defense Contact Group at the US Air Base in Ramstein, Germany, 09 January 2025. The US Secretary of Defense has invited Ministers of Defense and senior military officials from around the world to Ramstein to discuss the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and various security issues facing US allies and partners. EPA/RONALD WITTEK
epa11814519 US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III (R) speaks next to Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky (L) during the eight meeting of Ukraine Defense Contact Group at the US Air Base in Ramstein, Germany, 09 January 2025. The US Secretary of Defense has invited Ministers of Defense and senior military officials from around the world to Ramstein to discuss the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and various security issues facing US allies and partners. EPA/RONALD WITTEK

ROMA, 09 GEN - "Sto facendo del mio meglio per porre fine a questa guerra con dignità per l'Ucraina e per tutta l'Europa quest'anno. E so che posso contare sul vostro sostegno. Dobbiamo tutti ricordare che porre fine alla guerra è il nostro obiettivo comune: il nostro, non quello della Russia". Lo ha detto il leader ucraino Voldymyr Zelensky nel suo discorso alla riunione degli alleati del formato Ramstein.

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