Italia e Estero

Yemen: gli Houthi attaccano 2 navi in Oceano Indiano e Mar Rosso

epa11229586 A person watches Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea delivering a TV statement over new shipping attacks, in Sana'a, Yemen, 19 March 2024. Yemen's Houthis have launched new missile attacks against a tanker, MADO, in the Red Sea, and Israel's Eliat region, which borders the Red Sea, according to a TV statement by Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea. The US-led coalition continues to strike Houthi targets in Yemen as it seeks to degrade the Houthis' abilities to attack commercial shipping vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden amid high tensions in the Middle East. In light of increased maritime security threats, the US has designated the Houthis as a 'Specially Designated Global Terrorist Group'. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
epa11229586 A person watches Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea delivering a TV statement over new shipping attacks, in Sana'a, Yemen, 19 March 2024. Yemen's Houthis have launched new missile attacks against a tanker, MADO, in the Red Sea, and Israel's Eliat region, which borders the Red Sea, according to a TV statement by Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea. The US-led coalition continues to strike Houthi targets in Yemen as it seeks to degrade the Houthis' abilities to attack commercial shipping vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden amid high tensions in the Middle East. In light of increased maritime security threats, the US has designated the Houthis as a 'Specially Designated Global Terrorist Group'. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB

ROMA, 30 APR - Gli Houthi dello Yemen hanno reso noto di aver attaccato le navi portacontainer Msc Orion e Cyclades, rispettivamente nell'Oceano Indiano e nel Mar Rosso. Lo riporta il Jerusalem Post. La Orion, battente bandiera portoghese, è stata presa di mira da droni mentre navigava tra i porti di Sines (Portogallo) e Salalah (Oman). La nave è di proprietà della Zodiac Maritime, che è posseduta in parte dall'uomo d'affari israeliano Eyal Ofer. Gli Houthi hanno affermato inoltre che la Cyclades era in rotta da Gibuti alla città saudita di Jeddah quando è stata attaccata. Secondo la società britannica di sicurezza marittima Ambrey, la portacontainer battente bandiera di Malta è stata presa di mira da tre missili nel Mar Rosso.

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