Italia e Estero

Xi ha avuto un colloquio telefonico con Trump

epa07679075 US President Donald J. Trump (C) greets Chinese President Xi Jinping as other world leaders look on during the Leaders family photograph at the G20 leaders summit in Osaka, Japan, 28 June 2019. The leaders of the world's largest economies gathered in Osaka for the fourteenth meeting of Group of Twenty (G20). EPA/LUKAS COCH AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa07679075 US President Donald J. Trump (C) greets Chinese President Xi Jinping as other world leaders look on during the Leaders family photograph at the G20 leaders summit in Osaka, Japan, 28 June 2019. The leaders of the world's largest economies gathered in Osaka for the fourteenth meeting of Group of Twenty (G20). EPA/LUKAS COCH AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT

PECHINO, 17 GEN - Il presidente cinese Xi Jinping "ha avuto un colloquio telefonico con il presidente eletto americano Donald Trump". Lo riferisce l'agenzia statale Xinhua.

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