Italia e Estero

Vucic, 'sono pronto a sottopormi ad una verifica di legittimità

epa11965648 Protesters wave Serbian flags during the student-led rally in Belgrade, Serbia, 15 March 2025. University students staged a protest, demanding accountability after fifteen people lost their lives in the collapse of the Novi Sad Railway Station canopy in November 2024. The station building, which had been renovated and reopened in July 2024, was undergoing further renovations shortly before the collapse. EPA/ANDREJ CUKIC
epa11965648 Protesters wave Serbian flags during the student-led rally in Belgrade, Serbia, 15 March 2025. University students staged a protest, demanding accountability after fifteen people lost their lives in the collapse of the Novi Sad Railway Station canopy in November 2024. The station building, which had been renovated and reopened in July 2024, was undergoing further renovations shortly before the collapse. EPA/ANDREJ CUKIC

BELGRADO, 16 MAR - Il presidente serbo Aleksandar Vucic si è detto pronto, nel giro di tre, quattro o cinque mesi a sottoporsi a una prova di legittimità, andando incontro alle opposizioni e affrontando nuove elezioni o un referendum sulla sua persona. "Sono sempre pronto a una verifica di legittimità", ha detto Vucic in un intervento in diretta tv, rispondendo a una domanda se con la grande manifestazione di protesta di oggi a Belgrado non sia stata messa seriamente in dubbio la sua legittimità alla guida del Paese.

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