Italia e Estero

Viminale, Salis? Proclamare eletti non spetta al governo

epa11402035 Roberto Salis, father of European MP candidate Ilaria Salis, speaks during a Greens and Left Alliance (AVS) party press conference to comment on the results of the European elections, in Rome, Italy, 10 June 2024. The SVE party had six of its members elected to be part of the European parliament following the European elections held on 09 June 2024. Among these is Ilaria Salis, a 39-year-old teacher from Milan who had been held in a Hungarian prison since February 2023 on charges of attacking three far-right supporters during a demonstration in Budapest. She has been on house arrests in Hungary since May 2024. EPA/Riccardo Antimiani
epa11402035 Roberto Salis, father of European MP candidate Ilaria Salis, speaks during a Greens and Left Alliance (AVS) party press conference to comment on the results of the European elections, in Rome, Italy, 10 June 2024. The SVE party had six of its members elected to be part of the European parliament following the European elections held on 09 June 2024. Among these is Ilaria Salis, a 39-year-old teacher from Milan who had been held in a Hungarian prison since February 2023 on charges of attacking three far-right supporters during a demonstration in Budapest. She has been on house arrests in Hungary since May 2024. EPA/Riccardo Antimiani

ROMA, 10 GIU - In merito alle dichiarazioni del padre di Ilaria Salis, dal Viminale fanno sapere che "a nessun organo del Governo, men che meno alla Farnesina, compete alcun provvedimento riguardo alla proclamazione degli eletti al Parlamento europeo". Infatti, si sottolinea, dopo che l'Ufficio elettorale nazionale presso la Corte di Cassazione avrà determinato quali sono le liste che hanno raggiunto il 4% e quali seggi spettano alle stesse, saranno gli Uffici elettorali circoscrizionali presso le Corti d'appello dei cinque capoluoghi di circoscrizione (Milano, Venezia, Roma, Napoli e Palermo), che procederanno a proclamare gli eletti, dandone comunicazione ai candidati interessati.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia

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