Italia e Estero

Vietate le proteste a Istanbul dopo l'arresto del sindaco

epa11865483 Turkish police officers block supporters of Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu (not pictured) as they gather in front of the Istanbul Courthouse, in Istanbul, Turkey, 31 January 2025. Imamoglu is set to testify in court as part of a new investigation launched against him for 'attempting to influence judicial proceedings' following his comments on probes involving CHP-run municipalities earlier in January, the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office said. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
epa11865483 Turkish police officers block supporters of Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu (not pictured) as they gather in front of the Istanbul Courthouse, in Istanbul, Turkey, 31 January 2025. Imamoglu is set to testify in court as part of a new investigation launched against him for 'attempting to influence judicial proceedings' following his comments on probes involving CHP-run municipalities earlier in January, the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office said. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN

ISTANBUL, 19 MAR - La Prefettura di Istanbul ha vietato fino al 23 marzo le manifestazioni politiche e letture pubbliche di comunicati stampa. La decisione giunge dopo l'arresto del sindaco Ekrem Imamoglu, sulla base di varie accuse tra cui di "corruzione" e "favoreggiamento nei confronti dell'organizzazione terroristica Pkk". Imamoglu, eletto sindaco con il maggior partito di opposizione Chp per due volte e ritenuto il principale avversario del presidente Recep Tayyip Erdogan, aveva annunciato di volersi candidare alle prossime elezioni presidenziali, in programma nel 2028, ed è stato recentemente messo sotto inchiesta per vari capi d'accusa.

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