Italia e Estero

Vertice sulle carceri con Meloni, verso 7mila nuovi posti

epa04148246 A view into a hallway with cell doors at the detention center Landsberg am Lech, Germany, 31 March 2014. German Bayern Munich football club boss Uli Hoeness is expected to serve his three and half years jail sentence at the Landsberg am Lech prison although it is yet unclear when his jail term will begin. A spokesman for the prosecutors office on 17 March said that Hoeness would most likely start his jail term in about six weeks. The written reason for the judgement had to be published first, then the written argument explaining the court's reasoning would take about four weeks to arrive, and the court could then issue paperwork summoning Hoeness to prison, which would take another two weeks. EPA/Stephan Jansen
epa04148246 A view into a hallway with cell doors at the detention center Landsberg am Lech, Germany, 31 March 2014. German Bayern Munich football club boss Uli Hoeness is expected to serve his three and half years jail sentence at the Landsberg am Lech prison although it is yet unclear when his jail term will begin. A spokesman for the prosecutors office on 17 March said that Hoeness would most likely start his jail term in about six weeks. The written reason for the judgement had to be published first, then the written argument explaining the court's reasoning would take about four weeks to arrive, and the court could then issue paperwork summoning Hoeness to prison, which would take another two weeks. EPA/Stephan Jansen

ROMA, 05 FEB - La premier Giorgia Meloni, a quanto si apprende, ha presieduto oggi a Palazzo Chigi un vertice dedicato al piano carceri. Alla riunione hanno partecipato il ministro della Giustizia Carlo Nordio, il sottosegretario Andrea Delmastro, il Commissario per le carceri Marco Doglio, rappresentanti del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei trasporti (Mit) e del Dipartimento dell'amministrazione penitenziaria (Dap). L'incontro, si apprende, è stato incentrato sulle strategie per il potenziamento del sistema penitenziario, con l'obiettivo di realizzare 7.000 nuovi posti detentivi, in un'azione determinata per migliorare le condizioni della pena in fase esecutiva e in genere delle strutture carcerarie.

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