Italia e Estero

Usa, missili Houthi su nave greca, lievi danni

epa11014316 The Galaxy Leader cargo ship, seized by the Houthis offshore of the Al-Salif port on the Red Sea in the province of Hodeidah, Yemen, 05 December 2023 (issued 06 December 2023). Yemen's Houthis on 06 December 2023 claimed responsibility for the launch of the barrage of ballistic missiles toward Israel in support of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, according to a statement by Houthis spokesman Yahya Saree. The Houthis vowed to continue their efforts to prevent Israeli ships from navigating in the Arabian and Red Seas, in retaliation for Israel's airstrikes on the Gaza Strip. Thousands of Israelis and Palestinians have died since the militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October, and the Israeli strikes on the Palestinian enclave which followed it.  EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
epa11014316 The Galaxy Leader cargo ship, seized by the Houthis offshore of the Al-Salif port on the Red Sea in the province of Hodeidah, Yemen, 05 December 2023 (issued 06 December 2023). Yemen's Houthis on 06 December 2023 claimed responsibility for the launch of the barrage of ballistic missiles toward Israel in support of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, according to a statement by Houthis spokesman Yahya Saree. The Houthis vowed to continue their efforts to prevent Israeli ships from navigating in the Arabian and Red Seas, in retaliation for Israel's airstrikes on the Gaza Strip. Thousands of Israelis and Palestinians have died since the militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October, and the Israeli strikes on the Palestinian enclave which followed it. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB

ROMA, 13 FEB - Una nave mercantile di proprietà greca è stata colpita ieri dai ribelli Houthi mentre navigava nel Mar Rosso ed ha subito lievi danni: lo hanno reso noto su X le forze del Comando centrale (Centcom) degli Stati Uniti. Gli Houthi hanno lanciato due missili dalle aree dello Yemen sotto il loro controllo verso lo stretto di Bab el-Mandeb, si legge nel messaggio. Entrambi i missili erano diretti verso la MV Star Iris, una nave mercantile battente bandiera delle Isole Marshall che trasportava mais in Iran dal Brasile. Nessuno è rimasto ferito a bordo della nave, che ha ripreso la navigazione.

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