Italia e Estero

Usa: media, sparatoria davanti night club nel Queens, 11 feriti

epa10457894 Police tape blocking off a street where New York City police officers investigated a shooting that left a man injured in New York, New York, USA, 09 February 2023. According to recent city crime statistics, the overall number of shootings in New York City fell last year, but there was an increase in the percentage of victims in shootings who were under 18-years-old. EPA/JUSTIN LANE
epa10457894 Police tape blocking off a street where New York City police officers investigated a shooting that left a man injured in New York, New York, USA, 09 February 2023. According to recent city crime statistics, the overall number of shootings in New York City fell last year, but there was an increase in the percentage of victims in shootings who were under 18-years-old. EPA/JUSTIN LANE

ROMA, 02 GEN - Almeno 11 persone sono rimaste ferite mercoledì notte in seguito ad una sparatoria vicino a un night club nel distretto di Queens della città di New York: lo riportano i media americani, che citano la polizia. La sparatoria è avvenuta vicino al night club Amazura, nel quartiere di Giamaica, poco prima delle 23:20 locali. Secondo la polizia, i feriti sono stati trasportati negli ospedali della zona - tra cui il Long Island Jewish Hospital e il Cohen's Children Medical Center - e nessuno di loro è in condizioni critiche.

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