Italia e Estero

Usa: condannato ucciso con fucilazione, prima volta in 15 anni

epa04811736 A Police Officer stands guard during a rally calling for the Confederate flag to be taken down, at the South Carolina State House Building in Columbia, South Carolina, USA, 20 June 2015. Debate about the Confederate flag from the US Civil War that still flies on South Carolina's State House grounds in Columbia has flared since the racially motivated shooting in Charleston on 17 June, in which 9 people were murdered. 21 year-old suspect Dylann Storm Roof was arrested in North Carolina on 18 June. Calls for taking down the flag have grown on social media after the flag was seen flying at full staff, while the South Carolina and US flags flew at half staff in honour of the victims. EPA/JOHN TAGGART
epa04811736 A Police Officer stands guard during a rally calling for the Confederate flag to be taken down, at the South Carolina State House Building in Columbia, South Carolina, USA, 20 June 2015. Debate about the Confederate flag from the US Civil War that still flies on South Carolina's State House grounds in Columbia has flared since the racially motivated shooting in Charleston on 17 June, in which 9 people were murdered. 21 year-old suspect Dylann Storm Roof was arrested in North Carolina on 18 June. Calls for taking down the flag have grown on social media after the flag was seen flying at full staff, while the South Carolina and US flags flew at half staff in honour of the victims. EPA/JOHN TAGGART

NEW YORK, 07 MAR - Un uomo condannato a morte in South Carolina è stato ucciso tramite la fucilazione. Il 67enne Brad Keith Sigmon è il primo prigioniero in 15 anni a essere ucciso con questa modalità negli Stati Uniti. L'uomo era stato condannato nel 2002 per l'omicidio dei genitori della sua ex fidanzata, colpiti ciascuno nove volte con una mazza da baseball.

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