Italia e Estero

Usa, a Baghdad attaccato il nostro centro diplomatico

epa09714083 A street leading to Baghdad International Airport in western Baghdad, Iraq, 28 January 2022. According to Iraqi security forces, a civilian plane was damaged after six rockets fired on the Baghdad airport landed on the runway and the parking areas of the airport. No one claimed responsibility for the attack, however similar attacks in the past are blamed on the Iranian affiliated militias in Iraq. EPA/AHMED JALIL
epa09714083 A street leading to Baghdad International Airport in western Baghdad, Iraq, 28 January 2022. According to Iraqi security forces, a civilian plane was damaged after six rockets fired on the Baghdad airport landed on the runway and the parking areas of the airport. No one claimed responsibility for the attack, however similar attacks in the past are blamed on the Iranian affiliated militias in Iraq. EPA/AHMED JALIL

BAGHDAD, 11 SET - L'ambasciata statunitense in Iraq ha confermato che un "centro diplomatico" americano, situato in un'area vicina all'aeroporto di Baghdad, è stato preso di mira il giorno precedente da un "attacco" che non ha causato vittime. "C'è stato un attacco al complesso dei servizi diplomatici di Baghdad, una struttura diplomatica statunitense", ha dichiarato l'ambasciata in un comunicato. "Fortunatamente non sono state segnalate vittime e stiamo valutando i danni e le loro cause".

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