Italia e Estero

Ursula Von der Leyen rieletta alla Commissione Ue con 401 voti

epa11485232 Outgoing European Commission President and candidate for re-election Ursula von der Leyen delivers a speech during a plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, 18 July 2024. MEPs will vote on Von der Leyen's nomination for Commission President on 18 July. If she is elected, she will serve as European Commission President for the next five years. If she does not get the required majority, the European Council will have to propose a new candidate within one month. EPA/LESZEK SZYMANSKI POLAND OUT
epa11485232 Outgoing European Commission President and candidate for re-election Ursula von der Leyen delivers a speech during a plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, 18 July 2024. MEPs will vote on Von der Leyen's nomination for Commission President on 18 July. If she is elected, she will serve as European Commission President for the next five years. If she does not get the required majority, the European Council will have to propose a new candidate within one month. EPA/LESZEK SZYMANSKI POLAND OUT

STRASBURGO, 18 LUG - Il Parlamento europeo ha rieletto Ursula von der Leyen come presidente della Commissione europea con 401 voti a favore, 284 contrari e 15 astenuti. Sette le schede nulle. I votanti sono stati 707. La maggioranza minima richiesta per l'elezione era 360.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
