Italia e Estero

Unrwa, il rapporto sulle accuse di Israele pronto a inizio marzo

epa03652023 A Palestinian man leans against the closed gate of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) headquarter in Gaza Strip, 06 April 2013. The UN aid agency said on 04 April that it has suspended operations in the Gaza Strip after angry Palestinians stormed one its compounds in the impoverished enclave to protest cuts. The UNRWA said in a statement it had to reduce cash payments to the poorest refugee families in the Gaza Strip as a result of budget shortfalls. 'The situation could very easily have resulted in serious injuries to UNRWA staff and to the demonstrators', Robert Turner, UNRWA head in Gaza, said after the incident on 04 April. 'This escalation, apparently pre-planned, was unwarranted and unprecedented'.  EPA/ALI ALI
epa03652023 A Palestinian man leans against the closed gate of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) headquarter in Gaza Strip, 06 April 2013. The UN aid agency said on 04 April that it has suspended operations in the Gaza Strip after angry Palestinians stormed one its compounds in the impoverished enclave to protest cuts. The UNRWA said in a statement it had to reduce cash payments to the poorest refugee families in the Gaza Strip as a result of budget shortfalls. 'The situation could very easily have resulted in serious injuries to UNRWA staff and to the demonstrators', Robert Turner, UNRWA head in Gaza, said after the incident on 04 April. 'This escalation, apparently pre-planned, was unwarranted and unprecedented'. EPA/ALI ALI

ROMA, 06 FEB - L'agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati palestinesi Unrwa si aspetta che il suo rapporto preliminare sulle accuse israeliane secondo cui una dozzina dei suoi dipendenti ha preso parte all'attacco del 7 ottobre contro Israele sia pronto all'inizio del prossimo mese. Lo ha detto la sua rappresentante in Libano, Dorothee Klaus, citata dal Guardian. La funzionaria Onu ha detto ai giornalisti in Libano che l'agenzia si aspetta che i donatori che hanno sospeso i loro finanziamenti dopo che sono emerse le accuse rivedranno le loro decisioni sulla base dell'indagine.

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