Italia e Estero

Unità militare Kiev, 'invaso il Kursk da un altro punto'

epa11560064 A delivery man rides a bicycle past a WWII t-34 tank in downtown Kursk, Russia, 22 August 2024. Reinforced concrete shelters are being installed in Kursk, Kurchatov and Zheleznogorsk, according to Acting Governor of the Kursk Region, Alexey Smirnov. Fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces has been ongoing in the Kursk region since 06 August following a Ukrainian military incursion into the Russian border region. Smirnov said on 12 August that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had established control over 28 settlements, which required 180,000 residents to be evacuated. According to him, 121,000 people had left the region by that time. Russian authorities have introduced a 'counter-terrorist operation' and federal emergency regimes in the region. EPA/STRINGER
epa11560064 A delivery man rides a bicycle past a WWII t-34 tank in downtown Kursk, Russia, 22 August 2024. Reinforced concrete shelters are being installed in Kursk, Kurchatov and Zheleznogorsk, according to Acting Governor of the Kursk Region, Alexey Smirnov. Fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces has been ongoing in the Kursk region since 06 August following a Ukrainian military incursion into the Russian border region. Smirnov said on 12 August that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had established control over 28 settlements, which required 180,000 residents to be evacuated. According to him, 121,000 people had left the region by that time. Russian authorities have introduced a 'counter-terrorist operation' and federal emergency regimes in the region. EPA/STRINGER

ROMA, 17 SET - Truppe ucraine avrebbero sfondato le difese russe da qualche giorno, penetrando nella regione già invasa del Kursk da un altro punto, molti chilometri più a ovest della testa di ponte precedente, e da lì potrebbero accerchiare le truppe russe impegnate nella controffensiva: lo annuncia l'unità del Gruppo Khorne della 116a brigata meccanizzata separata delle forze armate ucraine, citata da Rbc Ukraina, che afferma di aver attaccato la cittadina di Vesele, nel distretto di Glushkiv, riportando una nuova svolta "la scorsa settimana". Il portale di analisi DeepState quantifica la nuova area russa invasa in circa 40 km quadrati.

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