Italia e Estero

Unicef, oggi a Gaza uccisi più di 130 bambini

epaselect epa11970913 A Palestinian boy inspects a destroyed area of Al Tabien school following Israeli airstrikes in Gaza City, 18 March 2025. The Israeli forces on 18 March confirmed they were carrying out 'extensive strikes' on targets in the Gaza Strip, following an Israeli prime minister's statement which ended the ceasefire in place since 19 January. According to provisional figures released by the Palestinian Health Minister, more than 250 people were killed in a series of overnight strikes in the Gaza Strip, with more bodies still waiting to be recovered from under the rubble. EPA/MOHAMMED SABER
epaselect epa11970913 A Palestinian boy inspects a destroyed area of Al Tabien school following Israeli airstrikes in Gaza City, 18 March 2025. The Israeli forces on 18 March confirmed they were carrying out 'extensive strikes' on targets in the Gaza Strip, following an Israeli prime minister's statement which ended the ceasefire in place since 19 January. According to provisional figures released by the Palestinian Health Minister, more than 250 people were killed in a series of overnight strikes in the Gaza Strip, with more bodies still waiting to be recovered from under the rubble. EPA/MOHAMMED SABER

ROMA, 18 MAR - "I resoconti e le immagini che emergono dalla Striscia di Gaza in seguito agli attacchi di oggi sono più che terribili. Secondo le notizie, centinaia di persone sono state uccise, tra cui più di 130 bambini, il che rappresenta il più alto numero di bambini morti in un solo giorno nell'ultimo anno. Alcuni degli attacchi hanno colpito rifugi di fortuna con bambini e famiglie che dormivano, ricordando ancora una volta che a Gaza nessun luogo è sicuro". Lo afferma, in una nota, la direttrice generale dell'Unicef Catherine Russell.

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