Italia e Estero

Una taglia sui sicari del direttore del carcere di Bogotà

epa11346472 Agents of the Technical Investigation Body (C.T.I) of the Prosecutor's Office investigate an area where the director of La Modelo prison, retired Police Colonel Elmer Fernandez, was assassinated by hitmen who shot him while he was traveling in an official vehicle, in Bogota, Colombia, 16 May 2024. "I regret to be the bearer of terrible news: Retired Colonel Elmer Fernandez, director of La Modelo prison in Bogota, one of the most important in the country, has just been assassinated," said Justice Minister Nestor Osuna on social media. The head of the Justice portfolio detailed that the murder occurred while Fernandez was traveling in a vehicle of the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute (Inpec) on Carrera 30, at the height of Calle 80. EPA/Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda
epa11346472 Agents of the Technical Investigation Body (C.T.I) of the Prosecutor's Office investigate an area where the director of La Modelo prison, retired Police Colonel Elmer Fernandez, was assassinated by hitmen who shot him while he was traveling in an official vehicle, in Bogota, Colombia, 16 May 2024. "I regret to be the bearer of terrible news: Retired Colonel Elmer Fernandez, director of La Modelo prison in Bogota, one of the most important in the country, has just been assassinated," said Justice Minister Nestor Osuna on social media. The head of the Justice portfolio detailed that the murder occurred while Fernandez was traveling in a vehicle of the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute (Inpec) on Carrera 30, at the height of Calle 80. EPA/Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda

BOGOTÀ, 17 MAG - Il comune di Bogotà ha offerto una ricompensa fino a 50 milioni di pesos (12mila euro) per informazioni per individuare l'assassino del direttore del carcere La Modelo, uno dei penitenziari più importanti della Colombia. Secondo le autorità, il colonnello di polizia in pensione Elmer Fernandez, nelle ore passate, è stato attaccato e ucciso da sicari mentre era a bordo di un veicolo di servizio, nel nord della capitale. Nei giorni precedenti, Fernandez aveva ricevuto ripetute minacce a causa delle misure adottate per riportare l'ordine nel penitenziario.

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