Italia e Estero

Ue, l'Olanda reintroduce controlli ai confini per 6 mesi

epa11534422 Dutch Minister Marjolein Faber (C) examines the operations of the military police during a check at the border of the Netherlands at Zevener, the Netherlands, 07 August 2024. Checks are being conducted at the former border crossing along the A12 to limit the influx of illegal crossings. Minister Faber aims to increase border surveillance to reduce the number of illegal crossings. According to the government report 'Staat van Migratie 2024,' 145,000 people were checked by these mobile border surveillances in 2023, out of which 720 individuals were found to have crossed the border illegally. EPA/EMIEL MUIJDERMAN
epa11534422 Dutch Minister Marjolein Faber (C) examines the operations of the military police during a check at the border of the Netherlands at Zevener, the Netherlands, 07 August 2024. Checks are being conducted at the former border crossing along the A12 to limit the influx of illegal crossings. Minister Faber aims to increase border surveillance to reduce the number of illegal crossings. According to the government report 'Staat van Migratie 2024,' 145,000 people were checked by these mobile border surveillances in 2023, out of which 720 individuals were found to have crossed the border illegally. EPA/EMIEL MUIJDERMAN

BRUXELLES, 13 NOV - "L'11 novembre la Commissione ha ricevuto dalle autorità olandesi una notifica sulla reintroduzione dei controlli alle frontiere dal 9 dicembre fino all'8 giugno 2025. Le ragioni invocate sono pubblicamente disponibili sul sito web su Dg home. Come sempre, la Commissione valuterà la notifica e rimarrà in stretto contatto con le autorità". Così una portavoce della Commissione Ue durante il quotidiano briefing alla stampa. Dopo l'annuncio del governo sui piani per limitare l'immigrazione irregolare e il traffico di migranti, lunedì la ministra olandese per l'asilo e la migrazione aveva annunciato l'avvio dei controlli dal 9/12.

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