Italia e Estero

Ucraina, Mosca: 3 morti in attacco missilistico Kiev su Donetsk

epa11436457 A handout photo made available by the Ukrainian Army shows a residential building damaged by shelling in the city of Chasiv Yar, Ukraine, 25 June 2024 amid the Russian invasion. Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory on 24 February 2022, starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/UKRAINIAN ARMY / OLEG PETRASIUK / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
epa11436457 A handout photo made available by the Ukrainian Army shows a residential building damaged by shelling in the city of Chasiv Yar, Ukraine, 25 June 2024 amid the Russian invasion. Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory on 24 February 2022, starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/UKRAINIAN ARMY / OLEG PETRASIUK / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

ROMA, 26 GIU - Un attacco missilistico ucraino ha ucciso tre civili e ne ha feriti altri nove nella città di Donetsk, secondo le autorità filorusse locali citate dall'agenzia di stampa Tass.

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