Ucraina: centinaia di migliaia di utenti senza elettricità
epaselect epa09887016 A picture taken during a visit to Mariupol organized by the Russian military shows local people cary water near devesteted and burned apartment building in downtown Mariupol, Ukraine, 12 April 2022. For more than a month, hostilities have continued in the city. There is no water, electricity, gas or communications. Shops, pharmacies and hospitals are closed. 250 thousand inhabitants left the city, about 300 thousand still remain. During the hostilities, up to 70 percent of the housing stock of Mariupol was destroyed and five thousand residents of the city was killed said the new mayor of the city Konstantin Ivashchenko. On 24 February Russian troops had entered Ukrainian territory in what the Russian president declared a 'special military operation', resulting in fighting and destruction in the country, a huge flow of refugees, and multiple sanctions against Russia. EPA/SERGEI ILNITSKY
KIEV, 28 NOV - Centinaia di migliaia di famiglie ucraine sono oggi senza elettricità a causa del massiccio attacco missilistico russo contro le infrastrutture energetiche del Paese: lo hanno reso noto funzionari regionali. "Attualmente, 523.000 utenti nella regione di Leopoli sono senza elettricità", ha affermato sui social media il capo regionale Maksym Kozytskyi. Nelle regioni nord-occidentali di Rivne e Volinia sono senza corrente elettrica rispettivamente 280.000 e 215.000 utenti.
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