Italia e Estero

Ucciso 14enne israeliano in Cisgiordania, 'è terrorismo'

epa11275990 Israeli settlers search for a missing 14-year-old near the the West Bank village of Al-Mughayyir, near Ramallah, 13 April 2024. According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, at least one Palestinian was killed and 27 others were wounded, while dozens of vehicles and houses were set ablaze by settlers, during clashes that erupted the previous night amid an Israeli operation in the area. The IDF and Israel's police confirmed a search operation was ongoing for a missing Israeli teenager. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH
epa11275990 Israeli settlers search for a missing 14-year-old near the the West Bank village of Al-Mughayyir, near Ramallah, 13 April 2024. According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, at least one Palestinian was killed and 27 others were wounded, while dozens of vehicles and houses were set ablaze by settlers, during clashes that erupted the previous night amid an Israeli operation in the area. The IDF and Israel's police confirmed a search operation was ongoing for a missing Israeli teenager. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH

TEL AVIV, 13 APR - Il ragazzino israeliano di 14 anni Binyamin Achimair scomparso da ieri in Cisgiordania "è stato ucciso in un attacco terroristico" e il suo corpo è stato trovato nell'area di Malachei HaShalom, da dove era sparito. Lo hanno annunciato l'esercito e la polizia israeliani che lo stavano cercando.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia

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