Italia e Estero

Tusk, la minaccia di un conflitto globale è seria e reale

epa11712267 Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk attends a press conference at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister in Warsaw, 09 November 2024. The Civic Platform party board on 09 November decided to organize primaries before next year's presidential elections. The party's candidates are the current mayor of Warsaw, Rafal Trzaskowski, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radoslaw Sikorski. EPA/RADEK PIETRUSZKA POLAND OUT
epa11712267 Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk attends a press conference at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister in Warsaw, 09 November 2024. The Civic Platform party board on 09 November decided to organize primaries before next year's presidential elections. The party's candidates are the current mayor of Warsaw, Rafal Trzaskowski, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radoslaw Sikorski. EPA/RADEK PIETRUSZKA POLAND OUT

ROMA, 22 NOV - "La guerra a est sta entrando in una fase decisiva e sta raggiungendo proporzioni drammatiche. Le ultime ore dimostrano che la minaccia di un conflitto globale è seria e reale". Lo ha detto il premier polacco Donald Tusk all'indomani del monito lanciato dal presidente russo Vladimir Putin.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia

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