Italia e Estero

Trump, voglio incontrare Putin presto

epa11701968 Republican presidential candidate and former US President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, 04 November 2024. Trump and Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris are tied in the polls with one day until the election of 05 November. EPA/CJ GUNTHER
epa11701968 Republican presidential candidate and former US President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, 04 November 2024. Trump and Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris are tied in the polls with one day until the election of 05 November. EPA/CJ GUNTHER

NEW YORK, 23 GEN - "Mi piacerebbe incontrare Putin presto". Lo ha detto Donald Trump. "Dobbiamo mettere fine alla guerra orribile" in Ucraina, ha aggiunto.

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