Italia e Estero

Trump e Tsmc verso l'annuncio di 100 miliardi investimento

epa08423606 View of the logo of the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp (TSMC) in Hsinchu, Taiwan, 15 May 2020. TSMC, the world's largest contract chip maker, announced plans to build an advanced semiconductor factory in the state of Arizona, USA. The plant will use the 5-nanometer semiconductor wafer technology to produce 20,000 wafer units per month. Construction is scheduled to start in 2021 and production is set to launch in 2024. EPA/DAVID CHANG
epa08423606 View of the logo of the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp (TSMC) in Hsinchu, Taiwan, 15 May 2020. TSMC, the world's largest contract chip maker, announced plans to build an advanced semiconductor factory in the state of Arizona, USA. The plant will use the 5-nanometer semiconductor wafer technology to produce 20,000 wafer units per month. Construction is scheduled to start in 2021 and production is set to launch in 2024. EPA/DAVID CHANG

NEW YORK, 03 MAR - Donald Trump e il produttore di chip Tsmc - Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co - si apprestano ad annunciare un investimento da 100 miliardi di dollari negli Stati Uniti. Lo riporta il Wall Street Journal citando alcune fonti. L'annuncio ufficiale arriverà nel corso di un evento in programma alle 19.30 italiane alla Casa Bianca. I fondi saranno investiti nell'arco di quattro anni e serviranno per la costruzione di impianti per la produzione di semiconduttori.

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