Italia e Estero

Trump, annuncerò domani dazi 25% su acciaio e alluminio

epa08951911 Marine One flies past Air Force One prior to a farewell ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, USA, 20 January 2021. US President Donald J. Trump is not attending the Inaugration ceremony of President-elect Joe Biden. Biden won the 03 November 2020 election to become the 46th President of the United States of America. EPA/Stefani Reynolds / POOL
epa08951911 Marine One flies past Air Force One prior to a farewell ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, USA, 20 January 2021. US President Donald J. Trump is not attending the Inaugration ceremony of President-elect Joe Biden. Biden won the 03 November 2020 election to become the 46th President of the United States of America. EPA/Stefani Reynolds / POOL

NEW YORK, 09 FEB - "Annuncerò dazi del 25% sull'acciaio e l'alluminio lunedì". Lo ha detto Donald Trump parlando con i giornalisti a bordo dell'Air Force One, secondo quanto riporta l'agenzia Bloomberg. Il presidente degli Stati Uniti ha aggiunto che martedì o mercoledì annuncerà "dazi reciproci" che "entreranno in vigore quasi subito".

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