Italia e Estero

Trump, 'abbiamo le linee guida per un accordo in Ucraina'

epa11930614 US President Donald Trump (L) greets Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (R) outside the West Wing of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 28 February 2025. Zelensky is in Washington to sign the framework of a deal, pushed by President Trump, to share Ukraines’s mineral wealth with the US. EPA/JIM LO SCALZO / POOL
epa11930614 US President Donald Trump (L) greets Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (R) outside the West Wing of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 28 February 2025. Zelensky is in Washington to sign the framework of a deal, pushed by President Trump, to share Ukraines’s mineral wealth with the US. EPA/JIM LO SCALZO / POOL

WASHINGTON, 21 MAR - "Le linee guida principali dell'accordo sull'Ucraina sono state stabilite, dopo i miei ;;colloqui con Putin e Zelensky". Lo ha detto Donald Trump nello Studio Ovale.

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