Italia e Estero

Torna in carcere ex talpa dell'Fbi che ha accusato i Biden

epa05171661 (FILE) The logo of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) at the J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building in Washington DC, USA, 22 December 2014. Apple chief executive Tim Cook refused the judge's order in an open letter posted on the company's website 16 February 2016 shortly after Judge Sheri Pym ordered the company to help the FBI access data they believe is stored on the phone. The December 2 attack in San Bernardino was carried out by Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, at a holiday party at the county office where Farook worked. Fourteen people were killed. Police killed Farook and Malik later that same day in a shoot-out. The FBI wants Apple to help it hack into Farook's iPhone by building a new version of the iOS software that would circumvent security features and install the software on the iPhone, which was recovered during the investigation.  EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS
epa05171661 (FILE) The logo of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) at the J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building in Washington DC, USA, 22 December 2014. Apple chief executive Tim Cook refused the judge's order in an open letter posted on the company's website 16 February 2016 shortly after Judge Sheri Pym ordered the company to help the FBI access data they believe is stored on the phone. The December 2 attack in San Bernardino was carried out by Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, at a holiday party at the county office where Farook worked. Fourteen people were killed. Police killed Farook and Malik later that same day in a shoot-out. The FBI wants Apple to help it hack into Farook's iPhone by building a new version of the iOS software that would circumvent security features and install the software on the iPhone, which was recovered during the investigation. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS

WASHINGTON, 22 FEB - E' stato arrestato nuovamente e portato in carcere Alexander Smirnov, l'ex informatore dell'ex Fbi incriminato per aver mentito all'Fbi e inventato accuse di corruzione contro Joe Biden e suo figlio Hunter. Lo ha deciso un giudice, accogliendo la richiesta dell'accusa di riesaminare la libertà condizionata concessa due giorni fa. Secondo gli inquirenti, Smirnov potrebbe scappare all'estero per i suoi contatti con varie agenzie di intelligence, tra cui quella russa, che - come lui stesso ha confessato - gli avrebbe passato le informazioni per infangare i Biden.

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