Italia e Estero

Terza proiezione dell'Eurocamera, il Ppe cresce ancora

epa11400017 European Parliament Hemicycle with a giant TV Studio from where the broadcast of the results of the European Elections will be aired prior to the European election electoral evening in Brussels, Belgium, 09 June 2024. The European Parliament elections take place across EU member states from 06 to 09 June 2024. Members of the European Parliament met for the last time of the legislature in plenary session in Strasbourg on 25 April 2024. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET
epa11400017 European Parliament Hemicycle with a giant TV Studio from where the broadcast of the results of the European Elections will be aired prior to the European election electoral evening in Brussels, Belgium, 09 June 2024. The European Parliament elections take place across EU member states from 06 to 09 June 2024. Members of the European Parliament met for the last time of the legislature in plenary session in Strasbourg on 25 April 2024. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET

BRUXELLES, 09 GIU - Nella terza proiezione sulla composizione del prossimo Europarlamento cresce ancora il Partito popolare europeo (Ppe), passando dai 177 eurodeputati attuali a 189.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
