Italia e Estero

Tajani, spero presto un nuovo colloquio ambasciatrice-Sala

Italy's Minister for Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani meets with the Italian soldiers at KFOR HQ Pristina Camp Film City, Kosovo 23 December 2024. ANSA/GIUSEPPE LAMI KFOR operation derives its mandate from United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) and the Military-Technical Agreement between NATO, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Serbia. Today KFOR continues to contribute towards maintaining a safe and secure environment in Kosovo and freedom of movement for all. EULEX’s mission is to support selected rule of law institutions in Kosovo on their path towards increased effectiveness, sustainability, multi-ethnicity and accountability, free from political interference and in line with international human rights standards and best European practices.
Italy's Minister for Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani meets with the Italian soldiers at KFOR HQ Pristina Camp Film City, Kosovo 23 December 2024. ANSA/GIUSEPPE LAMI KFOR operation derives its mandate from United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) and the Military-Technical Agreement between NATO, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Serbia. Today KFOR continues to contribute towards maintaining a safe and secure environment in Kosovo and freedom of movement for all. EULEX’s mission is to support selected rule of law institutions in Kosovo on their path towards increased effectiveness, sustainability, multi-ethnicity and accountability, free from political interference and in line with international human rights standards and best European practices.

ROMA, 31 DIC - "Siamo impegnati per cercare di portare a casa questa giovane giornalista. La nostra ambasciatrice a Teheran ha già chiesto un altro colloquio con lei e spero che possa esserle concesso in tempi rapidi". Lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri, Antonio Tajani, in merito al caso di Cecilia Sala, a Radio Radicale. "Ricordo che non è in isolamento, ma in una cella singola, in condizioni migliori di quelle in cui stava Alessia Piperno. Stiamo lavorando con grande discrezione a risolvere questo intricatissimo problema, non è facile, ce la stiamo mettendo tutta, siamo in contatto con la famiglia costantemente".

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