Italia e Estero

Taiwan: 4 navi cinesi sono entrate nelle nostre 'acque limitate'

epa11363069 A screen broadcasts the evening news about China conducting military drills around Taiwan, in Beijing, China, 23 May 2024. According to Chinese state media Xinhua, 'the Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) started a two-day joint military drills surrounding the island of Taiwan on 23 May'. Taiwan's Defense Ministry stated on 23 May that China was engaging in 'irrational provocation' by encircling Taiwan with its ongoing military exercises, just days after President William Lai's inauguration. EPA/WU HAO
epa11363069 A screen broadcasts the evening news about China conducting military drills around Taiwan, in Beijing, China, 23 May 2024. According to Chinese state media Xinhua, 'the Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) started a two-day joint military drills surrounding the island of Taiwan on 23 May'. Taiwan's Defense Ministry stated on 23 May that China was engaging in 'irrational provocation' by encircling Taiwan with its ongoing military exercises, just days after President William Lai's inauguration. EPA/WU HAO

TAIPEI, 24 MAG - Quattro navi della guardia costiera cinese sono entrate oggi nelle "acque limitate" di due isole taiwanesi, mentre altre due imbarcazioni vicine fornivano supporto: lo ha reso noto Taipei, nel secondo giorno di esercitazioni militari lanciate da Pechino. "E' l'ottava volta questo mese che le navi della guardia costiera cinese entrano nelle acque soggette a restrizioni", ha detto la guardia costiera taiwanese aggiungendo che le navi sono salpate intorno alle 9 ora locale. "Esortiamo la Cina a esercitare autocontrollo e a fermare immediatamente il suo comportamento irrazionale", aggiunge Taipei.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
