Italia e Estero

Taiwan, 38 jet e 7 navi militari cinesi intorno all'isola

epa11005203 A Taiwan Air Force AT-3 trainer aircraft maneuvers at the tarmac during the Air Force Flight Training Command Formation Ceremony at an airbase in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 01 December 2023. As part of the ongoing military tension between China and Taiwan, there's been a notable increase in Chinese military aircraft incursions into Taiwan's airspace. The Taiwan Air Force is actively monitoring these situations, and responds by promptly scrambling fighter jets, such as the Mirage-2000 and F-16V, for interceptions. The Taiwan Advanced Jet Trainer (AJT) is being developed in Taiwan to replace the aging fleet of AT-3 and F-5 trainer aircraft. EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa11005203 A Taiwan Air Force AT-3 trainer aircraft maneuvers at the tarmac during the Air Force Flight Training Command Formation Ceremony at an airbase in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 01 December 2023. As part of the ongoing military tension between China and Taiwan, there's been a notable increase in Chinese military aircraft incursions into Taiwan's airspace. The Taiwan Air Force is actively monitoring these situations, and responds by promptly scrambling fighter jets, such as the Mirage-2000 and F-16V, for interceptions. The Taiwan Advanced Jet Trainer (AJT) is being developed in Taiwan to replace the aging fleet of AT-3 and F-5 trainer aircraft. EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO

PECHINO, 30 MAG - Il ministero della Difesa taiwanese ha riferito di aver rilevato nelle 24 ore alle 6.00 locali (mezzanotte in Italia) 38 aerei e 7 navi da guerra cinesi intorno all'isola, nonché 4 unità della guardia costiera, sempre più integrate nelle attività di pressione di Pechino su quella che è ritenuta una provincia ribelle. In totale, si legge in una nota, 28 jet hanno attraversato la linea mediana finendo "nella zona di riconoscimento di difesa aerea (Adiz) settentrionale e sudoccidentale". Le forze armate di Taipei, di fronte all'impennata delle operazioni militari cinesi, hanno "monitorato la situazione e risposto di conseguenza".

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