Taiwan, 125 aerei cinesi rilevati dopo avvio delle manovre
epa11365463 A handout photo taken 23/24 May 2024 and made available by the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense on 24 May 2024, shows a Taiwanese navy personnel aboard a Taiwan's Ma Kong (DDG-1805) Kee Lung-class guided-missile destroyer monitors the movement of Chinese destroyer Xi'an (DDG-153) (far R) at an undisclosed location around the waters of Taiwan. According to Chinese state media Xinhua, 'the Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) started a two-day joint military drills surrounding the island of Taiwan on 23 May'. Taiwan's Defense Ministry stated on 23 May that China was engaging in 'irrational provocation' by encircling Taiwan with its ongoing military exercises, just days after President William Lai's inauguration. EPA/TAIWAN DEFENSE MINISTRY / HANDOUT MANDATORY CREDIT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
PECHINO, 14 OTT - Taiwan ha rilevato 125 aerei cinesi intorno all'isola dopo l'avvio delle esercitazioni militari odierne di Pechino. E' quanto ha riferito in conferenza stampa Hsieh Jih-sheng, un tenente generale dell'intelligence del ministero della Difesa nel resoconto dei media locali, descrivendo il numero di aerei tracciato "di gran lunga come il più alto registrato in un singolo giorno".
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