Italia e Estero

Sudan: raid aereo su mercato nord Darfur, oltre 100 morti

epa11275410 Refugee women from West Darfur wait to get a pack of food for four days from workers of the World Food Programme (WFP) and Red Cross, in a refugee camp in Adre, Chad, on the border with Sudan, 12 April 2024. Most of the refugees are women and children fleeing the hunger crisis because of the war which started on 15 April 2023. According to the UNHCR in March 2024, in one year more than 500,00 Sudanese refugees, mainly from Darfur region, have crossed into Chad looking for safety, 90 percent of them are women and children. As different humanitarian crises are unfolding in other parts of the world, both the UN and NGOs like Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) keep appealing for more aid to reach Sudan and avoid a looming famine situation in the already strained socio-economic context of Chad. EPA/STRINGER
epa11275410 Refugee women from West Darfur wait to get a pack of food for four days from workers of the World Food Programme (WFP) and Red Cross, in a refugee camp in Adre, Chad, on the border with Sudan, 12 April 2024. Most of the refugees are women and children fleeing the hunger crisis because of the war which started on 15 April 2023. According to the UNHCR in March 2024, in one year more than 500,00 Sudanese refugees, mainly from Darfur region, have crossed into Chad looking for safety, 90 percent of them are women and children. As different humanitarian crises are unfolding in other parts of the world, both the UN and NGOs like Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) keep appealing for more aid to reach Sudan and avoid a looming famine situation in the already strained socio-economic context of Chad. EPA/STRINGER

PORT SUDAN, 10 DIC - Nella regione del nord Darfur, in Sudan, un raid aereo ha colpito l'affollato mercato di una cittadina, uccidendo, secondo le prime informazioni, oltre 100 persone, e ferendone altre centinaia: lo afferma un gruppo di avvocati pro-democrazia. "L'attacco aereo è avvenuto mentre si teneva il mercato settimanale, che attira residenti di molti villaggi vicini per fare la spesa, e il risultato è di oltre 100 persone uccise e centinaia di altre ferite", ha dichiarato Emergency Lawyers, che da 20 mesi denuncia crimini e abusi della guerra civile fra l'esercito regolare di Khartoun e la milizia ribelle delle Forze di Intervento rapido.

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