Italia e Estero

Sudafrica, Anc primo ma perde maggioranza assoluta

epa11379163 Election results are displayed on a digital screen as they are updated in the IEC (Independent Electoral Commission) National Results Operations Centre as voting counting continues, a day after the 2024 South African general election, in Johannesburg, South Africa, 30 May 2024. South Africans went to polls on 29 May to vote in the national and provincial elections to elect a new National Assembly and state legislatures. South Africans do not directly vote for the president. They vote for parties that will appoint 400 representatives to the National Assembly who will then choose the president for the next five years. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK
epa11379163 Election results are displayed on a digital screen as they are updated in the IEC (Independent Electoral Commission) National Results Operations Centre as voting counting continues, a day after the 2024 South African general election, in Johannesburg, South Africa, 30 May 2024. South Africans went to polls on 29 May to vote in the national and provincial elections to elect a new National Assembly and state legislatures. South Africans do not directly vote for the president. They vote for parties that will appoint 400 representatives to the National Assembly who will then choose the president for the next five years. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK

CITTA DEL CAPO, 30 MAG - Con un terzo dei voti scrutinati, l'African National Congress, il partito di Nelson Mandela da 30 anni al potere in Sudafrica, si conferma il più votato nel Paese, ma perde la maggioranza assoluta, che aveva mantenuto ad ogni elezione dall'avvento della democrazia, nel 1994. Secondo la Commissione elettorale indipendente, l'African National Congress del presidente Cyril Ramaphosa ha ottenuto il 42,19% dei voti, con le schede di 7.658 seggi su 23.293 scrutinate.

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