Italia e Estero

Socialisti Ue, 'Commissione rispecchi maggioranza al Pe'

epa11485211 General view of the hemicycle during voting to elect the European Commission President at a plenary session of the parliament in Strasbourg, France, 18 July 2024. MEPs will vote on Von der Leyen's nomination for Commission President on 18 July. If she is elected, she will serve as European Commission President for the next five years. If she does not get the required majority, the European Council will have to propose a new candidate within one month. EPA/RONALD WITTEK
epa11485211 General view of the hemicycle during voting to elect the European Commission President at a plenary session of the parliament in Strasbourg, France, 18 July 2024. MEPs will vote on Von der Leyen's nomination for Commission President on 18 July. If she is elected, she will serve as European Commission President for the next five years. If she does not get the required majority, the European Council will have to propose a new candidate within one month. EPA/RONALD WITTEK

BRUXELLES, 10 SET - "Rafforzare il processo dello Spitzenkandidat, garantire l'equilibrio di genere, una forte attenzione ai diritti sociali supervisionata da una figura con l'esperienza necessaria, e un'equa distribuzione delle posizioni di vicepresidente esecutivo che rifletta la maggioranza del Parlamento europeo. Queste sono le aspettative della famiglia progressista europea per la composizione della prossima Commissione europea". E' quanto sottolinea il gruppo dei Socialisti Ue spiegando che, "se queste aspettative non saranno soddisfatte, sarà molto difficile, se non impossibile, sostenere i commissari presentati da Ursula von der Leyen".

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