Sirene d'allarme a Tel Aviv, prima volta da due mesi

epa10758633 Israeli mounted police patrol along Ayalon highway as anti-government protesters try to block it during a protest against the Israeli justice system reform in Tel Aviv, Israel, 20 July 2023. Protesters called for a new 'night of resistance' all around the country, in response to the Israeli government plans to pass an unpopular justice reform, which the protesters fear will weaken the independence of the Israeli Supreme Court. In the absence of a constitution for the state of Israel, the Supreme Court plays a major role in maintaining the checks and balances between the legislative, the judiciary and the executive bodies of the state. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
TEL AVIV, 20 MAR - Le sirene d'allarme per l'arrivo di missili sono entrate in azione a Tel Aviv per la prima volta dal mese di gennaio, dopo la rottura del cessate il fuoco da parte di Israele. L'Idf ha riferito che il sistema di allarme è entrato in funzione "in seguito al lancio di un missile in arrivo dallo Yemen".
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