Italia e Estero

Seul, Pyongyang accelera su invio nuovi soldati in Russia

epa11205696 A photo released by the official North Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) shows North Korean Supreme leader Kim Jong Un (C) presiding over an artillery firing drill involving large combined units from the Korean People's Army (KPA), at an undisclosed location in North Korea, 07 March 2024 (issued 08 March 2024). According to KCNA, the drill was conducted to increase combat readiness and actuall warfighting capabilities of participating artillery units. The drill took place as South Korea and the USA continue their annual 11-day Freedom Shield military excercises. EPA/KCNA EDITORIAL USE ONLY EDITORIAL USE ONLY
epa11205696 A photo released by the official North Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) shows North Korean Supreme leader Kim Jong Un (C) presiding over an artillery firing drill involving large combined units from the Korean People's Army (KPA), at an undisclosed location in North Korea, 07 March 2024 (issued 08 March 2024). According to KCNA, the drill was conducted to increase combat readiness and actuall warfighting capabilities of participating artillery units. The drill took place as South Korea and the USA continue their annual 11-day Freedom Shield military excercises. EPA/KCNA EDITORIAL USE ONLY EDITORIAL USE ONLY

PECHINO, 24 GEN - La Corea del Nord sta accelerando i preparativi per l'ulteriore dispiegamento delle sue truppe in Russia, continuando il lavoro sui potenziali lanci di un satellite spia o di un missile balistico intercontinentale (Icbm). E' l'ultima valutazione del Comando dei capi di stato maggiore sudcoreano, ha riferito l'agenzia Yonhap, dopo che Washington e Seul hanno accusato Pyongyang di aver inviato circa 11.000 truppe per supportare la guerra di Mosca contro l'Ucraina. L'agenzia di spionaggio di Seul (Nis) ha affermato di recente di stimare che finora almeno 300 soldati nordcoreani siano stati uccisi e che circa 2.700 siano rimasti feriti.

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