Italia e Estero

'Se Israele non avrà raggiunto obiettivi la guerra non finirà'

epaselect epa11403053 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) attends the Knesset plenum vote on the ultra-Orthodox conscription to military service law, in the Knesset, Israeli parliament in Jerusalem, 10 June 2024. The Knesset vote on the controversial exemption for ultra-Orthodox Yeshiva students from military conscription. Israel’s Supreme Court heard on 02 June a response by the state over the ultra-Orthodox recruitment issue, after previously extending a deadline for the government to present a conscription plan for ultra-Orthodox Jews, who are traditionally exempt from military service. EPA/ABIR SULTAN
epaselect epa11403053 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) attends the Knesset plenum vote on the ultra-Orthodox conscription to military service law, in the Knesset, Israeli parliament in Jerusalem, 10 June 2024. The Knesset vote on the controversial exemption for ultra-Orthodox Yeshiva students from military conscription. Israel’s Supreme Court heard on 02 June a response by the state over the ultra-Orthodox recruitment issue, after previously extending a deadline for the government to present a conscription plan for ultra-Orthodox Jews, who are traditionally exempt from military service. EPA/ABIR SULTAN

ROMA, 11 GIU - "Israele non metterà fine alla guerra prima di aver raggiunto tutti i suoi obiettivi di guerra: distruggere le capacità militari e di governo di Hamas, liberare tutti gli ostaggi e garantire che Gaza non rappresenti una minaccia per Israele in futuro. La proposta presentata consente a Israele di raggiungere questi obiettivi, e Israele lo farà". Lo ha detto un alto funzionario israeliano, coperto da anonimato, in una nota.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
