Italia e Estero

Scontri tra polizia e manifestanti a Caracas

epa07181888 University students clash with the National Bolivarian Police (PNB) during a protest in Caracas, Venezuela, 21 November 2018. The Bolivarian National Police used tear gas to prevent a march of university students, who with the support of the rest of civil society, claim the crisis in the country has affected higher education institutions. The demonstrators were trying to leave the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) in the center of Caracas, where they had previously gathered to discuss the problems of the educational centers, but the PNB officials blocked the exits of the institution with police fences. EPA/MIGUEL GUTIERREZ
epa07181888 University students clash with the National Bolivarian Police (PNB) during a protest in Caracas, Venezuela, 21 November 2018. The Bolivarian National Police used tear gas to prevent a march of university students, who with the support of the rest of civil society, claim the crisis in the country has affected higher education institutions. The demonstrators were trying to leave the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) in the center of Caracas, where they had previously gathered to discuss the problems of the educational centers, but the PNB officials blocked the exits of the institution with police fences. EPA/MIGUEL GUTIERREZ

CARACAS, 29 LUG - Si registrano i primi scontri tra polizia e manifestanti nel centro di Caracas, in Venezuela, nel quadro delle proteste dell'opposizione contro la proclamazione della vittoria di Nicolas Maduro alle elezioni presidenziali di domenica. Le prime immagini degli scontri - trasmesse da un equipe dell'emittente all news argentina 'Todo Noticias' - mostrano agenti della polizia di Caracas in tenuta anti sommossa lanciare lacrimogeni ed esplodere colpi con pallottole di gomma per disperdere la protesta.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia

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