Italia e Estero

Scontri a Istanbul prima della protesta per il sindaco

epa11976205 Student protesters hold banners that read 'We will not pay homage to the Erdogan Palace or the Higher Education Board (YOK)' as they march to the Istanbul Municipality headquarters following the Istanbul Municipality's arrest of Imamoglu in Istanbul, Turkey, 20 March 2025. Turkish authorities detained Istanbul mayor Ekrem Imamoglu, of the oppositional Republican People's Party (CHP), along with 100 others on 19 March as part of an investigation into alleged corruption and terror links, according to a statement by the Istanbul chief public prosecutor. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
epa11976205 Student protesters hold banners that read 'We will not pay homage to the Erdogan Palace or the Higher Education Board (YOK)' as they march to the Istanbul Municipality headquarters following the Istanbul Municipality's arrest of Imamoglu in Istanbul, Turkey, 20 March 2025. Turkish authorities detained Istanbul mayor Ekrem Imamoglu, of the oppositional Republican People's Party (CHP), along with 100 others on 19 March as part of an investigation into alleged corruption and terror links, according to a statement by the Istanbul chief public prosecutor. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN

ISTANBUL, 20 MAR - Ci sono stati scontri e momenti di tensione tra gli agenti di polizia e alcuni dei manifestanti che si stavano radunando sotto il comune di Istanbul per protestare contro l'arresto del sindaco Ekrem Imamoglu. Alcuni dimostranti che volevano lasciare l'area per marciare verso piazza Taksim sono stati fermati dalla polizia, in quel momento sono iniziati brevi scontri e gli agenti hanno utilizzato manganelli e gas lacrimogeni, riferiscono i media locali, pubblicando alcuni video.

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