Italia e Estero

Salta visita di Borrell in Israele, Katz indisponibile'

epa11572836 High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell rings the bell during an informal meeting of European Defense ministers in Brussels, Belgium, 30 August 2024. The informal council usually takes place in the country chairing the EU presidency. But following tensions between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and the EU, the informal foreign and defense ministerial meetings of 29-30 August, respectively, took place in Brussels instead of Budapest. EU Defense Ministers are expected to discuss Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East, among other topics. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET
epa11572836 High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell rings the bell during an informal meeting of European Defense ministers in Brussels, Belgium, 30 August 2024. The informal council usually takes place in the country chairing the EU presidency. But following tensions between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and the EU, the informal foreign and defense ministerial meetings of 29-30 August, respectively, took place in Brussels instead of Budapest. EU Defense Ministers are expected to discuss Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East, among other topics. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET

BRUXELLES, 08 SET - L'Alto rappresentante dell'Ue, Josep Borrell, ha valutato l'opzione di una visita in Israele e in Cisgiordania nel quadro della sua missione in Medio Oriente, al via oggi in Egitto, ma il ministro degli Esteri israeliano, Israel Katz, non era disponibile nelle date proposte. E' quanto si apprende da fonti Ue. Borrell aveva notificato alle autorità israeliane la sua intenzione di recarsi in Israele dopo essere stato invitato dall'istituto Van Leer, una ong pro-pace, a tenere un discorso in questi giorni a Tel Aviv. La richiesta è però stata declinata per problemi di agenda dal ministro, che ha suggerito di posticipare il viaggio.

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