Italia e Estero

Sale a 24 il bilancio dei morti per il ciclone John in Messico

epaselect epa11629594 People cross an avenue flooded by the passage of Hurricane John in the upper part of the port of Acapulco, in Guerrero, Mexico, 27 September 2024. Mexican authorities reported another six deaths from Hurricane John, bringing the death toll to 22 since the cyclone's impact, of which 18 are in the southern state of Guerrero, another three in neighboring Oaxaca, and one more in Michoacan. EPA/DAVID GUZMAN
epaselect epa11629594 People cross an avenue flooded by the passage of Hurricane John in the upper part of the port of Acapulco, in Guerrero, Mexico, 27 September 2024. Mexican authorities reported another six deaths from Hurricane John, bringing the death toll to 22 since the cyclone's impact, of which 18 are in the southern state of Guerrero, another three in neighboring Oaxaca, and one more in Michoacan. EPA/DAVID GUZMAN

CITTÀ DEL MESSICO, 29 SET - E' salito a 24 morti il bilancio delle vittime del passaggio del ciclone John sulla costa sud-occidentale sul Pacifico in Messico. Lo riferiscono la protezione civile e le autorità degli stati di Guerrero, Oaxaca e Michoacán dove le piogge accompagnate da venti a oltre 100 km/h hanno causato frane e inondazioni.

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