Italia e Estero

Russia: Nadezhdin, respinto ricorso contro mia esclusione

epa11135807 Boris Nadezhdin, Russian presidential candidate from the Civil Initiative party and deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Dolgoprudny urban district of the Moscow Region, waits for the Central Election Commission meeting in Moscow, Russia, 08 February 2024. More than a 15 percent defect rate was found in signatures in support of the politician's nomination by a group of Russian Central Election Commission, Nadezhdin's press service reported. Nadezhdin said that if the Central Election Commission refuses to register him for the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, he will appeal this decision to the Supreme Court. The Russian Central Election Commission decided to hold presidential elections within three days, from 15 to 17 March 2024.  EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV
epa11135807 Boris Nadezhdin, Russian presidential candidate from the Civil Initiative party and deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Dolgoprudny urban district of the Moscow Region, waits for the Central Election Commission meeting in Moscow, Russia, 08 February 2024. More than a 15 percent defect rate was found in signatures in support of the politician's nomination by a group of Russian Central Election Commission, Nadezhdin's press service reported. Nadezhdin said that if the Central Election Commission refuses to register him for the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, he will appeal this decision to the Supreme Court. The Russian Central Election Commission decided to hold presidential elections within three days, from 15 to 17 March 2024. EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV

MOSCA, 15 FEB - Il politico anti-guerra Boris Nadezhdin ha annunciato che la Corte suprema russa ha respinto il ricorso da lui presentato contro l'esclusione della sua candidatura alle presidenziali del mese prossimo.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia

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