Italia e Estero

Russia: due guardie carcerarie in ostaggio di detenuti Isis

epa10845617 Russian policemen block a street following a drone attack in downtown Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 07 September 2023. Russian Air defense systems shot down one drone on approach to Rostov-on-Don, and the second in the city center, said the governor of the Golubev region. On Pushkinskaya Street, the facades of several buildings were damaged, the windows of three buildings were shattered, and several cars were damaged. Traffic in the area of the incident was limited. As a result of damage to an electrical panel in the area of the incident, 20 houses remain without electricity. EPA/STRINGER
epa10845617 Russian policemen block a street following a drone attack in downtown Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 07 September 2023. Russian Air defense systems shot down one drone on approach to Rostov-on-Don, and the second in the city center, said the governor of the Golubev region. On Pushkinskaya Street, the facades of several buildings were damaged, the windows of three buildings were shattered, and several cars were damaged. Traffic in the area of the incident was limited. As a result of damage to an electrical panel in the area of the incident, 20 houses remain without electricity. EPA/STRINGER

MOSCA, 16 GIU - Due guardie carcerarie sono state prese in ostaggio da alcuni membri dell'Isis in un centro di detenzione nella regione di Rostov, nel sud della Russia. "I detenuti in una delle celle del centro numero 1 (...) della regione di Rostov hanno preso in ostaggio due agenti della polizia penitenziaria", si legge in un comunicato. Sono in corso trattative per liberarli.

Riproduzione riservata © Giornale di Brescia
