Italia e Estero

Respinta al Bundestag la legge sulla stretta ai migranti

epa11866458 Factions of Greens and Social Democrats vote for their motion during a session of the German parliament 'Bundestag' in Berlin, Germany, 31 January 2025. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is expected to put a draft law to limit the illegal influx of third-country nationals to Germany up for vote. The law might be adopted with votes of the Alternative for Germany party (AfD), which would represent a crack of the CDU's previous stance of maintaining a so-called 'firewall' against collaboration with the far-right party. EPA/CLEMENS BILAN
epa11866458 Factions of Greens and Social Democrats vote for their motion during a session of the German parliament 'Bundestag' in Berlin, Germany, 31 January 2025. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is expected to put a draft law to limit the illegal influx of third-country nationals to Germany up for vote. The law might be adopted with votes of the Alternative for Germany party (AfD), which would represent a crack of the CDU's previous stance of maintaining a so-called 'firewall' against collaboration with the far-right party. EPA/CLEMENS BILAN

BERLINO, 31 GEN - In Germania non è passata la proposta di legge sulla stretta sui migranti voluta dalla Cdu. Hanno votato a favore 338 deputati, contro 350. Si sono astenuti 5 parlamentari. La proposta di legge della Cdu era sostenuta dall'ultradestra di Afd sulla scia della mozione anti-migranti approvata mercoledì dal Bundestag con i voti decisivi di Alternative fuer Deutschland.

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