Italia e Estero

Regina Margrethe di Danimarca dimessa dall'ospedale

epa11613424 (FILE) - Denmark's Queen Margrethe at the presentation of the Rungstedlund Prize 2024 at the Karen Blixen Museum on Rungsted, north of Copenhagen, Denmark, 16 September 2024 (reissued 19 September 2024). Queen Margrethe has been hospitalized at Rigshospitalet after a fall on 18 September night, the royal house's communications manager Lene Balleby announced in writing to Ritzau. Queen Margrethe was taken to Rigshospitalet last night after falling at Fredensborg Castle. The Queen is doing well under the circumstances, but is currently admitted for observation, the announcement said. EPA/IDA MARIE ODGAARD DENMARK OUT
epa11613424 (FILE) - Denmark's Queen Margrethe at the presentation of the Rungstedlund Prize 2024 at the Karen Blixen Museum on Rungsted, north of Copenhagen, Denmark, 16 September 2024 (reissued 19 September 2024). Queen Margrethe has been hospitalized at Rigshospitalet after a fall on 18 September night, the royal house's communications manager Lene Balleby announced in writing to Ritzau. Queen Margrethe was taken to Rigshospitalet last night after falling at Fredensborg Castle. The Queen is doing well under the circumstances, but is currently admitted for observation, the announcement said. EPA/IDA MARIE ODGAARD DENMARK OUT

STOCCOLMA, 20 SET - Margrethe II di Danimarca è stata oggi dimessa dall'ospedale, dopo un ricovero di due giorni in seguito a una caduta avvenuta la notte del 18 settembre. "La Regina Margrethe è di buon umore e si sente bene viste le circostanze, ma sarà in congedo per malattia per un periodo prolungato", ha dichiarato la casa reale, citata dall'emittente di servizio pubblico danese Dr. Margrethe II, 84 anni, ha abdicato dal suo incarico da capo di Stato a gennaio e il trono è passato al figlio Fredrik IX, ciò nonostante mantiene alcuni impegni pubblici.

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