Italia e Estero

Raid ed esplosioni a Hodeida, nello Yemen

epa11200944 The silhouette of a person walking past a Yemeni flag fluttering in Sana'a, Yemen, 05 March 2024. Yemen's Houthis have claimed responsibility for a drone and missile attack on two US warship destroyers in the Red Sea, in a new action against ships in this important waterway, according to a TV statement by Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea. Sarea added his group will step up attacks in the Red Sea until Israel ends its military operation and siege of the Gaza Strip. In light of increased maritime security threats, the US has designated the Houthis as a 'Specially Designated Global Terrorist Group'. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
epa11200944 The silhouette of a person walking past a Yemeni flag fluttering in Sana'a, Yemen, 05 March 2024. Yemen's Houthis have claimed responsibility for a drone and missile attack on two US warship destroyers in the Red Sea, in a new action against ships in this important waterway, according to a TV statement by Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea. Sarea added his group will step up attacks in the Red Sea until Israel ends its military operation and siege of the Gaza Strip. In light of increased maritime security threats, the US has designated the Houthis as a 'Specially Designated Global Terrorist Group'. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB

TEL AVIV, 20 LUG - Attacchi ed esplosioni vengono riferiti in questi minuti nella città di Hodeida controllata dagli Houthi, nello Yemen occidentale. Le immagini che circolano sui social mostrano il fumo che si alza da un sito preso di mira. Gli attacchi arrivano un giorno dopo che un drone Houthi ha colpito Tel Aviv, uccidendo un uomo. Lo riportano i media israeliani. Secondo al Arabiya sarebbe un attacco israeliano. Da Israele al momento non ci sono conferme.

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