Italia e Estero

Quattro persone accoltellate a Metz in Francia

epa11347399 French police officers stand guard in a street outside a synagogue, where a man was shot, in Rouen, northern France, 17 May 2024. According to the prosecutor of the city of Rouen, the police were called early 17 May morning after smoke was seen inside the synagogue. The suspect threatened an officer with a knife and the policeman used his service weapon in response. EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON
epa11347399 French police officers stand guard in a street outside a synagogue, where a man was shot, in Rouen, northern France, 17 May 2024. According to the prosecutor of the city of Rouen, the police were called early 17 May morning after smoke was seen inside the synagogue. The suspect threatened an officer with a knife and the policeman used his service weapon in response. EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON

STRASBURGO, 17 GIU - Quattro persone sono state accoltellate, una in modo molto grave, a Metz, in Francia. Lo rende noto la procura. L'aggressione a colpi di coltello è avvenuta in un minimarket nel quartiere Borny di Metz. L'autore o gli autori sono in fuga. Lo scrive Republicain Lorrain. Le circostanze non sono ancora chiare e le vittime sono state portate all'ospedale Mercy dai vigili del fuoco. Gli investigatori della sicurezza interdipartimentale stanno proseguendo le loro indagini ma la pista è che potrebbe trattarsi di un regolamento di conti.

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