Putin, 'tutta la Russia sostiene i soldati in Ucraina'

epa09780641 A handout photo made available by Russian President Press Service shows Russian President Vladimir Putin as he speaks about authorising a special military operation in Ukrainian Donbass region in Moscow, Russia, 24 February 2022. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a 'special military operation in the Donbass with the aim, as he put it, of demilitarizing and denazifying Ukraine, as well as bringing to justice those who committed numerous bloody crimes against civilians.' Martial law has been introduced in Ukraine, explosions are heard in many cities, including Kiev after Russian troops entered Ukraine early 24 February. EPA/RUSSIAN PRESIDENT PRESS SERVICE / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
MOSCA, 29 FEB - "Tutto il Paese" sostiene i soldati russi impegnati nell'operazione militare in Ucraina e uniti "possiamo superare qualsiasi cosa". Lo ha detto il presidente Vladimir Putin nel suo discorso davanti alle Camere riunite del Parlamento.
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